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Revitalizing Our Economy
Rewards Processing

International Clearing House (ICH) is a NexGen processing platform
for tracking, matching and rewarding loyalty-related consumer transactions.
What is ICH?

ICH is a centralized processor for loyalty rewards programs, whether closed-loop inhouse programs or open-loop reciprocal partnership programs where a group or coalition of merchants have agreed to cooperate with each other by participating in a universal loyalty program. 

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Get Involved

Explore the different ways to be involved with the ICH and its' revolutionary technology platform. 


Whether you are an online or POS merchant, a small business owner, a non-profit organization or a social media influencer looking to create more loyalty with your customers, clients, members or fans, we can support you.

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ICH Programs & Services

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Integrated Platform Support

ICH is a centralized cloud-based processing platform providing Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions and reporting services for payment cards, eCommerce, and loyalty reward programs.

The WeSave Program

ICH has teamed up with to provide an unprecedented loyalty program based on fractional ownership and revenue sharing.  The program is designed to create a loyal and supportive relationship between consumers, merchants, and the community they live in using a new partnership economy model that incorporates preferred stock ownership with a dividend sharing pool funded by WeSave from a percentage of every qualified consumer purchase transaction. 

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