ICH Affiliates
Learn more about ICH Affiliate relationships
and strategic partnerships.
WeSave Rewards
WeSave Rewards is a state employee discount program delivering benefits to approximately 2.8 million state employees and retirees across seven states.
With more than 3 million+ consumers and growing, PayRange is a leading presence in the unattended retail space driving consumer engagement within laundry, vending, vehicle services, kiosks, entertainment, and other industries. The PayRange network of over 2 million vending machines has endpoints that are typically small-ticket, everyday purchases and essential services, which consumers need on a frequent basis.
The PayRange mobile app provides consumers with a digital wallet payment option that allows for additional flexibility, security, and convenience. PayRange aggregates micro-payments from users who prefund their PayRange wallet and then use it on a variety of machines. It is more convenient and faster for the user and reduces transaction costs for the vending operator.
PayRange has agreed to give International Clearinghouse, Inc. the first right to provide our loyalty program to any of their customers, clients and operators interested in our Secure Points™ reward system.
SPECTRUM Solutions
Established in 1994, SPECTRUM Solutions is a small defense company whose mission is to lead advancements in computer software applications in the rapidly converging, NexGen technologies with machine learning and artificial intelligence. SPECTRUM Solutions diverse portfolio includes: research and development in electromagnetic environmental effects on systems, dynamic spectrum management, spectrum exploitation, cyber-secure wireless communications, cognitive radios and software defined networking, multi-sensor and multi-target tracking, advanced radar data fusion, and sensor resource management. In real world applications, Spectrum technology is a military-tested advanced radio communication network that is virtually unhackable. It provides a fast and safe alternative connectivity model for smart city Internet of Things (IoT) integration, communication, transaction processing and commerce.